WINE PARIS – First presentation of the entire european wine in the heart of Paris

27, Mar 2019 | post

For the first time, next February 2019, Paris will be the world epicenter of wine thanks to the organization of WINE PARIS, the first international gathering of wine professionals, which will take place in the French capital from 11 to 13 February 2019. This great unpublished event, born from the union of VINISUD, world fair of southern wines and VINOVISION PARIS, international fair of northern wines, will highlight the richness of the world viticultural territories and the variety of the French offer.

In the 3 exhibition pavilions all the European identities dedicated to wine were alternated and the Consorzio delle Venezie could not miss with an institutional area in the space of ICE in a busy calendar of appointments with journalists and public acquaintances, wineducators and winelovers.


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